Saturday, July 11, 2009

Unemployment causes consequences

It is obvious that the unemployment will cause lot of consequences in different fields. There are individual consequences and there are social, educational, economic consequences of this unemployment. Let us try to understand some of these unemployment caused consequences in this short article on this topic.
Let us first try to learn something from the past. What was the unemployment causes consequences in the great depression days? There was the economic down turn. This forced the factories and mills to stop their operations. The unemployed workers were not able to buy any goods or the services as there was no money to buy them. As the consequence the prices of the goods and services started lowering down. Imagine the plight of the farmer. He had no other income except his farm related goods. The lower prices and sluggish demand for these agro products forced the farmers in to the bankruptcy. Lot many farmers were forced to sell of their farms. As there was no demand for these farms, they were forced to sell at the unprecedented low prices. All this converted all these farmers from the farm owners in to the unemployed job workers. They had no particular skill suitable for the jobs. This made it still more difficult for them to get any job. They were not officially workers. So they were not entitled for the unemployment benefits also. Officially they were self employed. The unemployment problem made the lives of all these farmers very miserable. One can only imagine the plight of these poor miserable farmers.

When you become unemployed, the first reaction is that you loose the self esteem. You start loosing the self confidence also. It is more difficult to communicate with the family members. The crime rate does increase as a consequence of the unemployment. In the great depression days, the families were unable to support the young people in their families. These young men left the families, formed the gangs and resorted to all types of crimes. This is a natural consequence of the unemployment. The individuals find it difficult to face the consequences of the unemployment.
On the educational level, it is obvious that the young people lose important precious years in their lives. They do not get the sorts of work experience that they would otherwise get. In other words they lack the work experience. This makes them educationally backward person. They are thrown down the ladder of the employment.

It is possible to turn these situations in to the better consequences also. There is great medium of internet. It offers lot of income making opportunities. All that you require is determination to learn all the ropes. You can fight the economic crisis with the help of the internet. One of the happy consequences of this unemployment is going to be birth of lots of successful internet entrepreneurs.

Linus Orakles

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