Sunday, July 26, 2009

Eye Strain from Computer use

Most of the working class people today use computers. Not only working class people but students too are using computers regularly. Almost every home today has a computer and every second person probably knows how to use one. Children use computers to play games and housewives usually use it for general surfing.

With increasing use of computers, the habits of people are complaining more of headache and eye strain. Sitting posture while using a computer is an important cause of complains strains and headaches. Extensive use of computers and continuous stare at the computer screen might result into glaucoma. Glaucoma is a disease of the optic nerve and if not treated or mistreated leads to permanent vision failure.

You can get computer stress and you can come to know that you have developed computer stress if you have symptoms like,

a) Headache while using or after using the computer.
b) Your vision gets blurred.
c) If you wear specs your eye power might decrease, lens power increases.
d) Stinging pain in the eyes or an eye.
e) Refocusing problem when you switch between the computer screen and an object at a distance.

Other than the above you might also have constant pain in your neck and shoulders or if you use a laptop you might get a pain in your back.

To avoid computer stress the ideal precautions that you might as well take while using a computer could be the following:

1) Place the keyboard in a manner that your wrist and forearms are parallel to the floor.
2) Sit on a chair which has a height such that your thighs are parallel to the floor and the feet rest on the floor comfortably.
3) Adjustable back support chairs should ideally be used.
4) The computer screen should ideally be at a 20Degree lower angle than the level of the eye.
5) Adjust the brightness and contrast of the screen as per comfort level of the eye.
6) The illumination of the room should be at least 3 times brighter than the screen background light.
7) Avoid sitting where you have to face a light other than the screen.

Some more precautions have been advised by health experts on a case to case basis.

Using computers is fun but using them in a right manner is more important. Happy surfing!

Linus Orakles

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