Monday, July 20, 2009

Life without Back Biting

Back biting is a term given to criticism of colleagues or friends done by other colleagues and friends, whether its at workplace or at a club or at home or any other place. But imagine how it would be without backbiting. The life is going to be so dry and monotonous. Why do people back bite?

This is a million pound question. I don’t think there is a perfect answer to this. However, as it is known that no two people are same, it is very natural that a person would not like activities of another person. One might not like the friends of others. But then why do people back bite? Why can’t they say upfront or express straight on the face if there is a problem?

Human psychology says that everyone wants to be a good person in the eyes of the society. Hence one never likes to come out in the open to criticize someone else. And another aspect of human psychology is that people play the blame game. No one has the guts to come up and say that they have said something about someone else.

However, back biting is fun unless someone back-bites about you. Back biting adds spice to the usual life. People are more interested in talking about others than talking about themselves. After all man is a social animal and if there is no spice in the society why will someone be social? The main objective of social occasions like gatherings and clubbing is to back bite and talk about each other in the third person’s ears. Rumors are another form of back biting. This is how news is created.

So Imagine life without rumors and back biting. No spice, no fun and yeah, No News!

One thing though, if you back bite about others, don’t mind if others do the same for you.

Linus Orakles

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