Thursday, July 23, 2009

How safe is New York?

New York City was once the highest in crime ratings across the world. In the 1980s crime rates hit the highest mark in the history of New York. This was majorly due to the Crack Epidemic in the Mid 80s to early 90s. “Crack Epidemic” is a term given to a period in the US of America when there was over supply of cocaine in the country through the Bahamas. This over supply of the drug caused the prices to fall scantily. Cocaine was available cheaply and everywhere in the US. Drug dealers found a new form of cocaine which was like a sugar cube in shape, was easy to produce and cheap to make. This was also ready to use. This form of Cocaine was named “Crack Cocaine”. During the Crack Epidemic, there were major crimes in New York which included murder and loots. Once this Epidemic was killed by the NYPD, the crime rates started coming down dramatically. New York, which was the highest in crime rates a couple of decades ago amongst the 10 leading cities of US, is now a city with the least crime rates as compared the same 10 largest cities of US.

The local crime rates might have substantially come down in New York, thanks to the NYPD and the government’s law and order dealings. But there is a new threat that looms over New York, one of the richest cities of the world. And this threat is none other than the threat of a militant attack. US have still not been able to come out of the demolition of the Twin Towers. However, life goes on and people of New York feel safer than they felt a score of years ago. New York has one of the best security and law and order system within the whole of America.

Linus Orakles

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