Saturday, July 11, 2009

Understanding dog behavior

It is not easy to learn the behavioral language of your pet. Dogs and humans do not speak the same language, they are different species and the communication barrier seems huge. Especially with brand new dog owners adopting a puppy, the human to canine and vice versa connection seems not existent at first.But the wish to communicate is there from the very beginning and some basic hints may help you establish a line of communication beyond words. Young puppies depend very much on their human owners, for food and water, but also for everything else. Puppies have instincts, but they have no knowledge about anything which goes beyond that. They need to learn everything and the leader of the pack, which would be the owner, and look up to the leader for guidance, security, actually pretty much everything.First of all, dogs are pack animals. When they get adopted by a human family, they perceive the human family as their pack.

This is one of the strongest and most reliable dog instinct and also the base for the bond which is to be created between the dog and its master.Establishing the dominance is the most important factor in training the dog, if the dog regards you as its superior, the dog will be obedient. Otherwise, the dog will try to impose dominance upon the household and any training will become very hard if not impossible.Teaching the dog to keep house rules is another necessary step towards a happy mutual coexistence.

The dog does not know that peeing or defecating indoors is a forbidden activity. The dog needed to go, so it went. Unless you, as the leader, teach him that it needs to do that outside, the dog will not know. Seeing that a trained dog needs to go outside is very easy, some dogs even bring you the leash. Recognizing when a dog needs to go when it is not trained, requires a watchful eye. If a dog does something, it has a reason for doing it. You need to know what that reason is. If it is barking, then it wants to either assert dominance or direct your attention to something. Some dogs are destined by their breed to certain behavioral patterns, it is recommended that you thoroughly research the breed you have adopted a dog from, you need to know who you just invited into your house.Luckily, there are people who can assist you with this task, if all fails a dog trainer and a dog behaviorist will gladly assist you in understanding your dog better.

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