Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Psychopaths and “their” affects on the society

Psychopath as defined in the dictionary is a mental state of a person who is of chronic immoral and antisocial behavior. The study and description of such behavior is called psychopathy.
Usually, criminals are psychopaths. A psychopath has less reasonability and does not know the difference between right and wrong doing. A psychopath does not even have an ability of learning from past mistakes. They do not have any remorse of their actions.

Lack of conscience and lack of control over aggression is also a cause to psychopathic behavior. Psychopaths usually are unable to keep relationships and are unstable in their careers. Psychopaths are also known to be very cunning, self centered and manipulative. They are emotionally very superfluous and lack understanding of the loss they can cause to others. A psychopath need not essentially be a professional criminal but may get into a number of problems, including judicial, for his or her behavior. The lack of personal insight in psychopaths leads them to a ruined life.

The problem here is not what psychopaths go through, it is about the problems that others face because of the irrational and antisocial behavior of the psychopaths. Most of the criminal cases involve at least one person with psychopathic behavior. It is said that at least 1 percent of the total world population consists of psychopaths.

The life of psychopaths is not very simple and they are always into some or the other trouble. Irrational thinking and criminal mental state never let psychopaths lead their lives peacefully. They are not welcome in the society and have very less normal friends. The fact that adds fuel to the fire is that psychopaths think that they are always correct in their behavior and hence they resist rehabilitation. People who have an urge to become famous and important sometimes tend to become psychopaths and choose the wrong way to fame, or become infamous.

Linus Orakles

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