Monday, July 20, 2009

Achilles Heel

Achilles was a Hero in the Greek mythology. He was said to be a semi mortal. He was the son of Thetis and Peleus (king of Myrmidons).

Thetis, Achilles’ mother, in a view to make her son immortal, dip him in the river Styx. However, she held Achilles by his heel and hence it remained vulnerable to wound. It is said that Achilles died when Paris (Hetor’s brother) shot his heel with a poisonous arrow.

Achilles was the Greatest Hero of the Trojan War as described by Home in his epic Iliad. As Achilles was otherwise immortal and was a very powerful warrior, he was approached by the Greek King Agamemnon to support in the War of Troy against the Romans.

Achilles never used to fight for anyone. He only used to fight for honor. He was persuaded by his mother Thetis to fight for honor against the Romans. Achilles however was insulted by Agamemnon during the course of the war and Achilles withdrew. The Greeks faced tremendous losses after Achilles withdrew from the battle. Hector, the Prince of Troy, pushed the Greeks to the shore of the River Scamander where the Greeks had anchored their ships. To push back defeat, Achilles friend Patroclus wore Achilles’ armor and led the Greeks back to the war. He fought like a warrior and even the Greeks thought that Achilles was back with them. But Hector killed Patroclus and then everyone came to know that Achilles was not killed. Because he could be only killed through his heel, Achilles was almost immortal.

On getting the news of Patroclus’ death, Achilles returned to the battle of Troy. He slaughtered the Trojans like a wild elephant till he found Hector. Achilles killed Hector with one blow of his spear. Achilles was later killed by Paris.

Achilles’ heel has had a deep impact on the ages to follow. In modern days, Achilles’ heel is referred to as the weak point of a very strong man. A person who cannot be defeated is said to have an Achilles’’ Heel which the competitors are always looking for so that they can defeat him. It’s a common terminology in the corporate world. It is also said that one should not disclose his Achilles’ heel to his opponents. Achilles himself is considered to be the supreme example of Pride and Honor. His immense strength and his confidence are seen as an example for the Corporate Leaders and Politicians today.

Achilles is also an example of true friendship. How he avenged the death of his dear friend Patroclus is the ultimate example of true friendship. But amongst all these, we should remember that everybody has an Achilles’ heel which should be always protected. One should not reveal his weak point to others instead try to make it stronger. And if by any chance your one’s Achilles’ heel is exposed to others, one should remember that no one is immortal and Pride has a fall. No one today is a half God like Achilles, hence every one is mortal.

Linus Orakles

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