Monday, July 20, 2009

Spiritual Preaching – A Lucrative Profession

Recession and every body are worried about his or her employment. Economic slowdown has eaten up a lot of jobs across the globe. Many have been rendered unemployed within a span of a year. And most of these neo-unemployed are highly educated and possess some or the other special skill. People are not even getting fresh jobs in this time of global misery.

Under these miserable circumstances, people are looking to start off with some kind of self employment. Many of them have initiated consultancy services as a stop gap arrangement. Some have shifted to lesser paying jobs. Few others have changed into a completely different industry. Some have got into free lance training and content development in their area of expertise. But there are some professions which have not been touched by any. I am talking about a particular profession which is extremely lucrative if one is a good orator, rather, an effective speaker.

The human mind is God fearing and suffers from a paranoiac insecurity of well being. People are highly superstitious. It is said that whatever happens whether good or bad is a person’s fate. A person with a bad fate line seeks shelter and guidance from someone who boasts of improving fate lines, rather changing them. This is nothing but a disability of solving ones own problems. This is actually a retreat from the real world. People, who do not want to face the music, try to find shelter.

Enter, Religious or Spiritual Gurus. There are millions of insecure people following thousands of such Gurus. Sometimes I am shocked to see young 30-ish gentlemen preaching non sense to thousands of inexpressive people sitting and listening to him with a blank face, under a huge tent. These gurus are called God Men by some maniacs. They preach nothing but what everyone has learnt from school days, “Be good and fear God”. To be precise, “Keep the Faith and Praise the Lord”. They don’t do anything extra to bring good times to these so called followers. One exclusive characteristic of these gurus is that they are amazing orators. They are so convincing in their talks that they make thousand pair of ears listen to them carefully.

Now let’s go back to from where we started. How is becoming a Spiritual Guru a fruitful profession? Most of these spiritual gurus maintain a very rich lifestyle. They travel in luxury cars and live in the best of places. They have immense influence in politics and corporate world. They have every service on their beck and call. They make huge sum of money through donations and welfare funds. They have plenty of media coverage. They enjoy special slots on TV Channels for their so called preaching. That’s a different story that some of these gurus have been booked for unethical activities, but over all the profession is really fruitful.

So, all you talented unemployed youth out there, do consider this profession as a career prospect and start working on it. But do remember, everything has its pros and cons, so play your cards carefully.

Linus Orakles

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