Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Characteristics of a good CEO

A CEO (Chief Executive Officer) is a magician in his own self. This three letter word comes with a lot of responsibilities. A CEO is basically a Prime Minister who is responsible to take his country, the company, to the highest of levels. These levels include monetary, employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction and expansions.

The growth of a company completely depends upon the CEO of the same. A CEO has to be a highly analytical person. They have to be very calculative and need to be focused. They have to be completely aware of the market and the activities of the market as well. Major companies pick and choose a CEO amongst a lot of options. Choosing a CEO is not an easy task. The present and the future of an organization depend upon the CEO. A CEO needs to be a good leader and should set examples of high level of performance to all the other employees of the company. A CEO should be diplomatic enough to face internal challenges. A quick decision maker and a perfect planner make a good CEO.

The CEO also has to be a people’s man. Their first responsibility is to take care of their staff so that they can get the best performance from them. A CEO has to be open enough to hear grievances and solve them at their own level. A CEO has to be a good planner and they should be farsighted. A CEO should be able to visualize the growth of the company in the next minimum of five years. A CEO should be able to read the competitor’s future plans. They should be innovative and creative. They should be good time managers. And they should be confident enough to convince themselves of their steps to be right.
Nonetheless, a CEO should be able to justify his salary to the organization.

Linus Orakles

1 comment:

  1. Having a good chief executive officer that is very important to run vast size business very easy and accurate way. Every company needs a good ceo who have a good business analytic and development skill.

    rusty solomon



