Friday, July 31, 2009

Learn from a Cripple

I was sitting on a bench and waiting for my train to arrive at my local station one day. There was a man with crutches who was standing at a distance waiting for his train. In sometime his train arrived and he limped to a door to board it. There was a crowd which was pushing and pulling to board from the same door. This lame man just waited for his turn and was getting pushed around. The train blew a whistle and started moving. This man stepped back and saw it going.

Nothing he could do about his failed attempt to board his train. He would have to wait for another half hour to try boarding the next one. I kept looking at the misery he was going through because of his inability to board his train. I immediately thanked God for giving me healthy limbs and the ability to walk and board the train like others. I also prayed for the health of this man. The whole day I was just thinking about how people with physical health shortcomings lead their lives. They can’t participate in any sport, their day to day activities get hampered and they have to live on a support. There are millions of organizations which help the physically challenged people but when we actually get into their shoes and think, we will be scared to lead a life like them.

It is a moral responsibility of all the people who are physically fit, to extend support to the physically challenged. They are no ways lagging behind us in intelligence and behavior. In fact from them we should learn how to bear a smile even in a state of problems. No one else is more unlucky than a physically challenged person. Hence we should be thankful enough and less complaining to God that we have our set of problems.

Linus Orakles

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