Thursday, July 30, 2009

Spoilt Children – Parents Responsible

Children are the most intelligent living species on earth. No one else knows how much they can acquire other than children themselves. They can be very dangerous if not handled properly. Between the ages of 2 to 9 of the child parents have to be very careful about bringing them up.
It’s nice to pamper children but it’s important to identify where to draw the line. Over pampering could spoil your child. It is very important that the child must be taught basic etiquettes from the beginning. You should never delay teaching the child manners thinking that they are just kids. A child needs to learn etiquette and proper behavior right from childhood. There are parents who succumb to child’s little demands just to calm him down. Remember kids know that if they make a scene in public, they will get what they want. Kids usually make such demands at stores. If you just let the kid cry but don’t succumb to his cries, I bet your kid will not demand again. They have an unparalleled ability to test their parents’ patience.

I have seen some kids have a habit of peeping into rooms of the hosts when you take them to visit somebody’s home. I have noticed that the parents don’t stop them from doing that. This is just an example of parents spoiling their children. Remember the age old saying, “old habits die hard”. The child will not listen to you when they grow up if you don’t make them listen to you when they are kids. Discipline is the key word. It is the parents who need to identify the level of discipline for their kids. Teaching discipline does not mean that the parents have to be harsh on the children though. Majority of children need to be taught basic disciplines like value of money, respect to elders, friendly etiquette and their limits in doing anything.
We call trouble making youngsters as hooligans but they are like that because their parents have not brought them up in the right manner. We also need to remember that a child learns what he sees. Parents must behave in a manner that the child learns all the good things from them.
Children should be diverted towards better living and not towards a lavish life. Children should be given what they want but only after they have earned it. They should know the value of the gift that they have acquired. They should also be restrained from borrowing things from others. They should be taught not to compare their things with others. This comparison leads to materialistic competition within their social circle which leads to wastage of money. Children should be taught to manage their finances right from their teenage.
Today’s children are tomorrow’s managers. If they are not taught to manage themselves from their childhood, they will not be able to cope up with the competition when they face the real world. Home is the first school of a child.

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