Antidepressants are one of the drugs that find a lot of application all over the world. They are used to bring down the levels of depression that a person has. This is because depression is caused due to the reduction in the levels of neurotransmitters in the brain. These antidepressants raise the levels of antidepressants. Other than the mentioned uses, an antidepressant does produce other effects as well such as hallucination. Hallucination is a sense where a person sees visions and images that other people don't. It is a sort of illusion where a person sees objects due to his own imagination. It can be caused due to a variety of reasons.
Antidepressants are to be used only if a doctor recommends their usage. Depression produces certain effects or symptoms. On the basis of these symptoms, the occurrence of depression in a person can be easily diagnosed. Hallucinations are caused due to depressions and anxiety and can be regarded as one of the effects of depression. The other symptoms of depression are sleeplessness or drowsiness, panic attacks or edginess. Therefore, antidepressants can be used to cure hallucinations. The most important point is that antidepressants can be used to cure the hallucinations that are caused due to depression only. It cannot cure the hallucinations that occur as a result of any other cause.
Recently, an all natural antidepressant known as Anxius has been developed and is believed to give astounding results. Today there are many people affected seriously by depression plagues, yet only very few seek treatment or counseling, while the others remain untreated. Hallucinations are very much a part of depression as this is the stage when people imagine beyond the limits and when they do not accomplish feel disappointed. Doctors recommend Zoloft, Prozac or Paxil. In hallucinations they suffer due to anxiety and anguish and hence feel very depressed quickly.
Antidepressants and hallucinations are related as hallucination leads to depression and depression is controlled by antidepressants. Though hallucinations are brought into control with the help of antidepressants, sometimes it has serious risks and is associated to violence, suicide, abnormal bleeding and psychosis. Anxius is widely used for depression, hallucination as well as anxiety as a natural alternative. Anxius contains I-tyrosine and Passion flower that enhances the promotion of the brain and also keeps the effect even after hours of consumption. This medicine is showing positive symptoms of improving mental health and has proved to enhance weight loss and promote active lifestyle. Antidepressants are good for hallucinations as they slowly calm the triggered feeling and bring them to normal.
Linus Orakles
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