Monday, July 13, 2009

Airbus vs boeing

As in every other field competition is hard in plane manufacture. The two big companies fight for the plane market using their best arsenal. The Airbus versus Boeing competition is very normal as the two are the main plane providers for the entire world.

If we are to take a look at the products provided by each company we will see that they are not quite the competitors in this field. The planes are not similar in size, each of the companies wanting to cover a certain niche. The most interesting fact is that they almost complete each other. For example, the newly launched A380 from Airbus is designed to be the largest plane in the world, larger than the 747 from Boeing. Similarly, Airbus A320 covers the distance between 737-700, which is smaller and 737-800 which is bigger. If we continue to analyze the planes similar features will be found for all.

The competition however is about selling the products. Here the situation can not be equilibrated, as each company is trying hard to win new clients and implicitly new orders. If we look at the figures published in different newspapers we are going to see that before 1989 the supremacy on the plane market was held by Boeing. This can be explained by the fact that Airbus has entered on the market more recently than Boeing. 1972 is the year in which Airbus was born and 1974 the year in which they launched their first plane, A300. By this time Boeing had already functioned for 24 years.The figures from more recent times, however, show that Airbus won the confidence of many customers. From 2003 to 2008 Airbus has delivered more planes than Boeing, proving that it is no more a late-comer, but a highly respected company which produces quality planes. However, in 2005 and 2006 Boeing won more orders than its counter-candidate, showing that the competition is not going to be an easy one.

The relationship between the two companies started being one of competition in the positive way of speaking. A scandal that burst out in 2005 created various tensions between Airbus and Boeing and, consequently between USA and Europe. WTO has received complaints from both companies. Boeing accused Airbus of using illegal funds, while Airbus made a complaint to WTO with the same subject, saying that Boeing enjoys illegal incentives.To solve the case in the best and correct way, WTO has formed two commissions that have to investigate the accusations of both parts and check the legality of the several billion dollars incentives that were offered to the largest plane manufactures.

In spite of these conflicts which have appeared in 2005, the competition between the two seems to be a relatively peaceful one with no place for cheating. Their planes, which are the main means of transportation for millions of people from all over the world, speak about the greatness of these two giant companies.

Linus Orakles

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