The answer to the question, "What do dolphins eat?" is simply fish and squid. However, some times what some species of dolphin do eat is also marine mammals, but this is only the False Killer Whale and the Killer Whale for the most part. Otherwise, for the most part, what dolphins do eat is fish. These fish are usually found in the shallower waters of the continental shelves, which explains why that is where most dolphins can be found most of the time.
There are numerous ways for dolphins to catch what they do eat. One way dolphins catch what they do eat is herding. In herding, a whole pod of dolphins, consisting of at most twelve dolphins, controls the movements of an entire school of fish, which allows individual dolphins to swim through the school and easily feed. Another method that dolphins employ to catch what they do eat is corralling. In corralling, dolphins force schools of fish into shallower water where the fish can be easily caught and fed on. Sometimes corralling is taken even further to strand feeding, in which dolphins strand the fish on mud banks and then come and collect the fish once they have died. Other times dolphins will smack fish with their tails to stun them and then eat them without a fight.
No matter how dolphins catch what they do eat, it is important to realize that human contamination and pollution is affecting what dolphins do eat. That is, our pollution is contaminating the fish supply and making it more difficult for dolphins to find what they do eat. Moreover, overfishing is keeping the populations of fish lower than usual and thus making it more difficult for dolphins to find food in general. Thus, it is important to always recycle and try to reduce your environmental impact.
One way to make sure that your actions do not affect what dolphins do eat is to make sure that you only buy fish that was grown in a fish farm and not in open waters. This means that the schools of fish that dolphins hunt are not affected. It is also important to make sure that you consistently recycle and always make sure to throw your trash away properly, especially if you are out on open water in a boat. It is important to remember that we are not the only living creatures on this planet and must make steps to keep it safe for all other living creatures presently alive or those that will be living in the future, even our own great grandchildren.
Linus Orakles
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