Monday, July 20, 2009

Mobile Phone – Birth and its Importance

Have you ever thought about a world without water or air? Yes, we would not exist without water and air or any of the two. Ok, let’s talk about how you feel when you move out of your home without your wallet. Don’t you feel as if you have left half your mind at home?

Mobile phones have become a similar necessity today. Gone are those days when people used to wait to get to a landline phone to talk to someone who is again waiting at another landline. If someone had to be contacted in an emergency, there was no other way than waiting for the person to reach his landline which would be either at his home or office.

In 1973, Martin Cooper made the first call from a Cordless Phone like device while walking down a street in New York. That was the first concept of Mobile Phone and it looked like a brick and weighed 30 ounce. Even cordless phones were not in the market then. In 1983, Motorola launched the first Mobile phone for commercial use weighing 16 ounce. This was available to the consumer at $3500. After 25 years of its birth, mobile phone today weighs less than 85 gm and is smaller than the palm of a 5 year old child. And of course the prices have come down to as reasonable as it can be. Almost every person today uses a mobile phone. The world has entered a new culture of communication gradually.

A mobile phone keeps an individual connected to the whole world all the time, unless someone like me who keeps his mobile phone switched off most of the time. Thanks to my virtual fan following (chuckle). On serious notes, a mobile phone is the most effective when it comes to getting and being in touch during an emergency. Mobile phone has become a necessity part of one’s life. It is really a revolution in communication technology.

Linus Orakles

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