Saturday, July 11, 2009

Major car crash causes

Did you know that even car crashes or car accidents have categories? It may appear to you that car accidents and crashes were all the same but technically these were different. Car crashes or accidents have several classifications according to the part of the car in collision.
> the head-on collision - obviously this involves hitting or being hit in front > rollover - when the car spins and revolves after crashing> side collision - this involves being hit or hitting on either the right or the left side> read end collision - this is when you are hit from behind
Actually, you can find many other categories and these categories also differ in areas. Some use different terms but still means the same. Head-on collision is the most fatal types of car crashes. It is also the type of car accident where in most fatalities were recorded especially for people who are in the front passenger seat as well as the driver. Usually, head-on collisions causes people to be hurled to the windshield causing head injuries which maybe fatal or worse, causing people to be thrown out from the car via the windshield.
Car Crash Causes
1. Incompetence of the driver - a lot of drivers today lack the proper and correct training not in driving but on safety on the road. Violating traffic rules are rampant faults of these drivers that almost always lead to car crashes injuring them, their passengers and the people around the area as well.2. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs - driving after drinking alcohol is very a dangerous practice. We all know that driving skills and alertness are diminished when you are drunk. Drugs, especially illegal drugs put you and the people on the road at risk of car accidents.3. Distractions - extreme focus and concentration is required when driving a vehicle. Improper use of the mobile phones, passenger conversation, loud music and many others that may form part of a distracting factor to your driving.4. Bad weather - especially driving under heavy rainfall. Many road accidents recorded were noted to happen when the weather is bad. Rains render the road very slippery and it also affects the visibility factor of the driver when driving.5. Poor roads - safety signs, traffic signals and road signs are important factors to make driving safe. The government has the responsibility to make driving safe and should always ensure that these signs and signals are appropriate at all times. Aside from these signs and signals, the road itself should be free from holes and hindrances that cause accidents and car collisions.6. Car defects - poor car check up and maintenance can cause a break to go loose of the wheels to be out of control.
Linus Orakles

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