Saturday, July 11, 2009

How to make fresh pasta

How to make fresh pasta? it's very simple and every chef knows it. The ingredients that you need To make fresh pasta are as follows:
- Two cups of flour.- Three eggs.- A pinch of salt to taste.
Method: take the flour in a mound and make a hole in the centre. Then break three eggs into the hole and add a pinch of salt to it. Now the next step needs to be done with care. Beat the eggs with spoon without unsettling the flour. After beating the eggs you start mixing the flour with the beaten eggs. Note in this process to make fresh pasta very little amount of flour should be mixed every time. After this use a bench knife if available or with the help of your fingertips mix both the dry and wet ingredients together. Then make a ball from the mixture. If the mixture or dough is very dry you can add some eggs to it again. And if the dough is very wet and you are unable to make a ball then you can use flour over your hands and form the ball. Knead the dough well by pressing with your palms.
Now make three equal portions of the dough and form balls of each portion. Then cover the balls in a bowl and keep it for about 15 minutes. Next step to make fresh pasta is the cutting and rolling step which requires a pasta machine for best results. These machines are not expensive and easily available in the market. And if you don't find a pasta machine then you can use a rolling pin. So you start flattening one ball with your palm to about half an inch and not wider than the slot available in the pasta machine. Then introduce the flattened portion into the machine and rotate the handle, thus you get flattened pasta. Continue this process for all the slots in the machine so that you get thinner and longer pasta. Then pass this flattened dough into your cutting attachment in the pasta machine. Thus your question of How to make fresh pasta? Will be solved.
In this whole process "to make fresh pasta" certain problems may take place like during the cutting and rolling process the left out dough may get dried, also while passing the dough into the machine the edges of the dough may crack. One tip while passing the dough into the machine is, not to let the dough to dry.
The advantage to make fresh pasta and cook it is that it cooks much faster than the other pastas available. Another advantage "to make fresh pasta" is that they are much healthier as well.
Linus Orakles

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