Saturday, July 11, 2009

Healthy hot drink recipe

There have been so many discoveries regarding nutrition in the last ten years that it has sprouted an entire segment of the food industry geared to healthier eating. In addition to the basic nutritional information of calories and vitamins, labels now include the fat and cholesterol content of the product. But there are also new ways to enhance your nutritional intake by using a healthy hot drink recipe.While the value of milk in providing calcium has always been praised, there are many individuals who are lactose intolerant or simply prefer not to use dairy products. If you are on this type of diet or have a problem with the lactose in milk there are many brands of soymilk or lactose free milk available that you can use to create a healthy hot drink recipe. Plus soymilk has extra protein and more fiber than cow milk. However, research shows that the greatest benefit from drinking soy milk is the isoflavones: chemicals that very similar to the hormone estrogen and provide the body with a host of health increasing elements. Isoflavones have been found to be instrumental in the prevention of osteoporosis, many types of cancers and heart disease just to name a few. Using soymilk in preparing your healthy hot drink definitely can increase your well-being.On the other hand, if you prefer the taste of cow milk but want less fat and calories, there is the reduced fat, ready to use varieties of milk along with non-fat milk in powder form. All of these alternatives provide a substantial amount of calcium to keep your body strong.Many times people overlook the number of calories in a beverage regardless of the number of times they enjoy it. For example if a cup of coffee with sugar and milk contains 100 calories and you drink 4 cups of coffee per day, that's an easy 400 calories that you could eliminate by using non-fat milk and a sugar substitute to make a healthy hot drink recipe. Multiple that caloric numbers over the course of a week, month or year and you can easily see several pounds melting away without any extra effort on your part.In addition to maintaining a low weight, there are other advantages to using a healthy hot drink recipe for individuals who are sensitive to sugar. Preparing a healthy hot drink recipe that is sugar free can help keep your emotions balanced by avoiding the sharp rise and fall of your blood sugar count that follows eating sweets.
Linus Orakles

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