Monday, July 13, 2009

Fake braces

Brackets or braces are a device which aligns our teeth and helps keep smiling all the time. The brackets are either made up of metal or ceramic, every tooth is attached with a bracket. Braces are attached to the teeth after applying a bonding material on every tooth.A metal wire is made to run through every bracket connecting every tooth, and this metal wire in turn it applies pressure on each tooth, and it's known as arch wire. The dental alignment is made with a view to provide you an ideal bite. It also takes care of the beautification.

The ligature elastic, which is usually colored one, is put to keep pulling the teeth back and are put according to doctor's opinion. When such a pressure is exerted over a period of time the teeth moves in the desired direction by bone remodeling.

When the braces put pressure on your teeth, the periodontal membrane is made to stretch on one side and gets compressed on the other side, which results in loosening of the tooth. The bone grows in a new position in order to support it. This process takes long time, and cannot happen overnight. The arch wire is made up of special material which makes use of the body temperature to do their job. With the increase in temperature around them they tend to become stiff. The property of the arch wire is related with the body temperature. Whenever the body temperature rises, the arch wire starts becoming stiff and thus pulls the mal-aligned teeth inside.

Now, that was about the history and anatomy of braces and brackets on teeth. But we are also going to discuss about fake braces. Fake braces as the name suggests are fake. Essentially fake braces as dummy braces that are simply put on the teeth (which might be aligned in a normal alignment) and the people who see it often feel it's real. What exactly are their applications then? If it's not real who will use it? And why should they use it?

Fake braces can be used where fake gums can be used. Exactly! Acting, drama, movies, TV shows, etc. Fake teeth have many applications. Consider a movie where you might be depicting a person, who might have braces. You surely can't put a person with real braces even if he doesn't have any kind of mal-aligned teeth? Here comes the use of fake teeth. These fake teeth are made up of plastic, colored with realistic skin colors and have dummy braces on them. They can just be popped inside the mouth and will be ready for action. Fake teeth are also used widely at the Halloween party; there can't be any other thing which can be as goofy as fake braces.

Linus Orakles

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