Saturday, July 11, 2009

Early miscarriage symptoms

Miscarriages are not the result of a single event, but more of a process. To understand the process of pregnancy, understand the early development of the fetus that takes place in the first trimester.
It is sometimes a little difficult to guess a miscarriage. Every woman's experience of miscarriage is different for the other woman.
In case you experience any of the following symptoms in the early stages of pregnancy, contact your doctor immediately and get yourself evaluated as you could be suffering from a miscarriage. Here are some early miscarriage symptoms:
Weight loss, severe vomiting and dizziness
Severe or mild back pain, a little worse than what you experience when you are in your month.
Discharge of whitish-pink mucus
Painful contractions occurring at an interval of 5 - 20 minutes
Clots of tissue passing through the vagina
Bright red or brown bleeding accompanied or unaccompanied by cramps - bleeding occurs in 30 % of pregnancies, out of which 50 % turn out to be normal.
Not feeling pregnant - you will not experience nausea, tenderness of the breast, morning sickness and other signs of pregnancy when you suffer a miscarriage. Bleeding in some cases could be in the form of spotting.
Frequent urination, experiencing a burning sensation while urinating
All these are indications of early miscarriage symptoms.
There is no such treatment that can stop the early miscarriage symptoms; the main aim of doctors after or during a miscarriage is to avert an infection and hemorrhage. Women who are in the early stages of pregnancy are more likely to expel the fetus tissues without any medical procedures. In case the body does not then D & C is performed on them. The woman may be put on certain medications after performing D & C to stop bleeding.
However if the baby and the uterus are in a normal state you doctor will provide you with appropriate treatment.
Once at home the patients must monitor the bleeding closely. Any signs of shivering, fever or increase in bleeding must be brought to the notice of the doctor immediately.
Most of the time miscarriages take place due to chromosomal abnormalities; therefore there is nothing that one can do to prevent them. The only way to prevent them is to get healthy before conceiving. This can be done by eating healthy food, exercising regularly, managing stress, keeping your weight under control, taking folic acid and giving up vices.
Many of the miscarriage occur when the fetus and the placenta separate from the uterus wall. In most cases women do not exhibit early miscarriage symptoms if pregnancy is in its first ten weeks.

Linus Orakles

1 comment:

  1. I have just checked this website and I have found it to be very useful and informative. The information provided in this website is very good indeed. It must be helping a lot to the visitors of this website. Here you have explained the symptoms of a miscarriage very simply and effectively. In most of the miscarriage cases women fail to identify the cause of their suffering which leads to some health complications that may have an adverse effect on a woman's health for a long time.



