Friday, July 10, 2009

Benefits of fungi

Fungi are one of the most important organisms. They also provide the essential nutrients that are essential for the growth of plants. This is essential for the healthy growth as development of plants. For this reason, more and more farmers prefer to use fungi than chemical fertilizers as they do not damage the environment. They avoid even tilling as it can alter the structure of the soil. Usage of fungi promotes the growth of mycorrhizal fungi that can protect the plant from disease and also give better yields. Certain special inoculants are necessary to ensure that the fungi form a good relationship with the plants.
Mycorrhizal fungi can be found in the soil naturally. The occurrence of mycorrhizal fungi is more in the soil that has a very active food web. These fungi colonize tips of the roots (sometimes even within the plant) and fill the nearby regions with sticky hyphae up to a length of 20 feet. The disease spreading agents have a tough time penetrating these fungi. Even if they do succeed in penetrating the fungi, the fungi produce antibiotics to destroy them. The hyphae grow into the soil and absorb important minerals such as phosphorous that are shared with the host plant. In turn the fungi are provided with carbohydrates by the host plants.
The benefits of fungi are that it can be added to the soil during planting time. The fungal spores added to fertilizer supplements; help by enriching the soil and in acquiring great plant growth as well as exhibit a natural resistance to disease. The roots grow well in healthy soils as the soil that has fungi allows it to quickly penetrate. The presence of fungi is beneficial to both the partners as fungi consume sugar emanated from the root cells and this helps in the energy to growth. Fungi also helps the plant in pumping nutrients and water that is extracted from the areas that are absolutely beyond the actual root system of the plant is taken directly into the root cells.
Plants are colonized and exhibit an improved water supply as well as nutrients for good flower and fruit production. They grow bigger and faster as it has the ability to handle the environmental stress like drought. The plant benefits owing to soil inoculation mainly due to beneficial fungal spores. Biologists also find that fungi have extensive as well as complex benefits with the association of root cells. The invasiveness of fungi is ideal for plants and the conduction of water as well as nutrients by the fungi even from a distance helps in maintaining the space in the root cells.

Linus Orakles

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