Saturday, July 18, 2009

Another Earth?

Our planet Earth is a part of the Milky Way or our galaxy. The Milky Way is one of the millions of other galaxies which exist beyond our galaxy. Our Solar System is part of the Milky Way. This means we can assume that there must be many more Solar Systems in other galaxies. This also means that there must be planets like our in other Solar Systems.

We cannot hence write off the possibility of the existence of another Earth, can we?
We have already found vague traces of UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) landing on Earth. Every third movie is based on aliens from other planets visiting Earth. This means that we know and strongly believe that we have another planet somewhere which has life like us. It is possible that they are more technically advanced than us. They have probably traveled to so many other planets outside their galaxy.

Imagine how it would be if we suddenly discover that there is another Earth somewhere. How would the people look like? Will they have continents? Probably they might be 1000 years ahead of us. Flying houses and flying cars. They would have seven continents and Seven seas. Children must be going to school on Jetpacks. Every home would be having a Robot to do the household, And so many exciting stuff which we can only fantasize about.

But if another Earth really exists some light years away, I hope they do not have drinking water crisis, shortage of crude oil, a country as poor as Somalia, terrorists and hatred.
I wish they have only friendship, commitments, booming economy, plenty of food and water for all, broad mindedness, employment for all and peace and harmony.

I wish another Earth exists without weapons, without military and with no requirement of Police. I wish and I can only wish that if there is another Earth like this, I would like to go there right now.

Linus Orakles

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