Thursday, September 24, 2009

Quick Reminders of Fabric Cleaning!

You walk into the chic fabric stores to get some stuff for your household, and while making the purchases, the first thought that comes to our mind is – how to take care of the stuff? And needless to say, if you’re selecting some gaudy fabric that’s not only special but even dearer to your pocket, the frowns certainly increase! Reading the manufacturer's label and following those instructions are probably the wisest idea when it comes to taking care of the material and fabric cleaning. And in case you flip and flap and come across no such “instructive” labels what should be your step to cleaning and maintaining the same? Of course, your knowledge and common sense; as a successful homemaker, I’m sure you must be having the minimum knowledge about the fabric's properties in order to clean it appropriately.

Very similar to your health and hair, it is the regular maintenance that keeps your fabrics in a good shape. If not daily, try and maintain a weekly cleaning regimen. Vacuum clean your interior upholstery at least once a week, thus removing the surface dust. If not done frequently, the surface dust brings about a graying effect to the fabric, thus reducing the brightness of the original material. If you see the fibers breaking down, be sure that they are pilling and you must not have taken the proper attachments. Moreover, dry cleaning is very important to remove the deep soiling of the fabrics. Always remember that cleaning procedures are different for different fabrics, thus here too, instructions play an important role!

When you buy any garment or decorating upholstery, you may notice certain cleaning codes. Ignoring these codes can reduce their life span. When you need to wash your fabrics with water based cleaning agents, the code says only “W”; while it says “S” when you can use mild or water free drying solvents. Similarly, when both the above agents are applicable, it say “W-S” and when the fabric only requires to be vacuumed or brushed lightly, it says “X”.

Stains are disturbing elements of fabric cleaning. The key note to remove oil based or water based stains is 'immediate action'. The longer it stays on the fabric, the more difficult it is to be removed. Warm soapy water is effective for water based stains, while spraying dry-cleaning solutions is a good idea for oil based ones. Remember to test the process in an inconspicuous part of the fabric first. Spot cleaning treatment of any fabric calls for prompt blotting of the material. However, modern textile technology has introduced stain-resistant fabrics like crypton, teflon, and nanotex that have made maintenance much easier.

Taking care of fabrics is an essential factor, since you always invest a worth to acquire the best. Washing, ironing, using of detergents are all specific categories that should be looked into, while dealing with particular type of fabric. Fabric cleansing has become all the more easier these days; either look into the attached instructions, or click onto the fabric-care websites!

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