Monday, September 14, 2009


Natural weight loss means losing weight by using a well-planned program of diet and exercise. This is a healthy way. Natural weight loss does not include pills, appetite suppressants or pharmaceutical or alternative products to alter your brain chemistry

It is simple. Natural weight loss is exactly what is says it is. Most people know how to lose weight. The false assurance of magic marketing or taking pills to fix everything has deluded the American public into thinking otherwise. We are the ones who chose pills instead of the natural processes that seem to be the harder path to follow.

Actually diet pills are harder on us than the perceived “hard way”. They encourage a frustrating cycle of weight loss- gain it back-weight loss again. Diet pills also offer many side effects that may be serious for some dieters, ranging from headaches to heart attacks.

Diet pills you buy without a prescription won't make a big difference in how much you lose each week or how long you keep the weight off. If you do use them, read the label carefully. Because of possible side effects, like high blood pressure, never take more than the listed dose.

Also, be careful about taking cough or cold medicines with diet pills you buy without a prescription. These medicines may contain the same drug used in diet pills, or a similar drug with the same effects. If you take both products together, you may get too much of the same type drug. This can hurt you.

Before taking a cough or cold medicine while using diet pills, ask your pharmacist if it's OK.
Prescription diet pills may help some people. If you use them, follow the doctor's directions carefully.

Why are we spending hundreds of dollars on such risky methods when we could lose weight naturally for free? We seem to have no time for anything that is not fast. Fast food--quick fix. That is a seductive mindset in America. Look at what we are doing to ourselves. We are overweight. We eat synthetic food or toxic junk foods and rarely engage in physical activity at all.

The idea is to use up more calories than you eat. You need to use up the day's calories and some of the calories stored in your body fat.

Eat Less Fat and Sugar
This will help you cut calories. Fried foods and fatty desserts can quickly use up a day's calories. And these foods may not provide the other nutrients you need.

Tips for Cutting Calories and Fat
Eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, and grain products like bread and rice.
Eat only small, single servings of foods high in fat or calories.
Eat less sugar and fewer sweets.
Drink less alcohol or no alcohol.
Choose foods whose labels say low, light or reduced to describe calories or fat.
Choose 1 percent or skim milk products and reduced fat cheeses.
Replace ice cream with fat-free frozen yogurt.
Replace sour cream with fat-free or low-fat plain yogurt.
Make sure fish, poultry and meat are lean. Trim skin and fat.
Broil, roast or steam foods.
Eat a Favorite Rich Food, Sometimes
That may keep you from craving it. But eat only a small amount.

Make sure your other foods that day are low in fat and calories.
Eat a Wide Variety Of Foods
Variety in the diet helps you get all the vitamins and other nutrients you need.

Linus Orakles

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