Monday, September 14, 2009

Effective Ways to Fight Cancer: Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy

Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are two most effective ways to fight against cancer. Chemotherapy is used to make use of of drugs for killing cancer cells and shrinking tumors. It may be taken orally, or can also be injected, depending on the drug and the treatment.

It is an anti-cancer drug that is given intravenously or orally to destroy microscopic (tumor) cells in the body after surgery. In case, chemotherapy is not given then the tumor cells may spread to the other parts of the body. These drugs enter the blood and travel through the body to kill the entire number of cancer cells, but in the process they also damage normal cells and tissues, since these chemicals cannot distinguish between the normal and cancerous cells.

Chemotherapy is given in measured doses and is often given in planned cycles. The treatment is usually spaced over period of days. The number of cycles rises depending on the chemotherapy regime and the stage of the disease. At times, antibody treatment is also given in combination with chemotherapy, which increases the chances of getting rid of cancer. It reduces the recurrence of cancer.

Radiation therapy is high energy protons/X-rays, which are given by linear accelerator or telecobalt 60 to destroy cancer cells and shrink tumors. Radiation may come from a machine outside the body or from the placement of thin plastic tubes containing radiation into the area where the cancer cells are found. Radiation is tailored to the individual’s needs and is usually limited to the diseased areas and possibly near the cancer-affected organ. For patients, radiation may be given in the neck, chest and also under the arms.

Radiation therapy is a standard treatment for many types of cancer. Side-effects and complications of radiation generally depend on the target site in the body. These may include dental problems, hypothyroidism, infection and infertility. Radiation therapy can be used in addition to surgery and chemotherapy depending on the type of lymphoma, the age of patient, the stage of the disease, whether the intent is to cure or relive symptoms and how close sensitive organs are to the diseased area.

However, chemotherapy with or without radiation therapy, is still considered as the commonest and most effective way of treating cancer. Cancer has been one of the most dreadful diseases in world and diagnosis in first stage is always more important than any other factor.

Linus Orakles

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