Saturday, August 29, 2009

What Are Heartworm- It’s Important for Dog Owners to Know

Dog heartworm is one of the commonest diseases found in dogs and cats throughout the United States. As the name very well suggests the disease involves the heart of the dog. The parasites called “heart worms” cripple the heart of the dog until it ceases functioning. And one day the dog may simply die without any warning. This disease can literally worsen to such an extent.

The most disturbing aspect of this disease is that the dog does not show much of the symptoms until it reaches the last stages. This means that it is possible that your dog might be suffering severely from this disease without you knowing anything about it. So the best way to find it out is to take your dog for all the scheduled monthly checkups. The vet can easily check about the presence of heartworms by performing some simple blood tests.

Some dogs despite of suffering severely from this disease do not exhibit any remarkable symptoms whereas other dogs may not be suffering severely but still exhibit some serious symptoms such as coughing, retching, wheezing and coughing while exercising, loss of consciousness, bloody sputum, heavy breathing and build-up of fluid in the abdomen.

Heartworms are basically capable of doing a lot of damage hence it becomes important for you to be aware of the dangers associated with heartworm infestation and to take all the necessary preventive measures.

Heartworms are medically known as “Dirofilaria immitis” and normally float around the blood vessels of the heart’s right ventricle. These parasites start their active life in the form of larva inside the mosquito. The mosquito is in fact both the host as well as the carrier of this parasite. The mosquito sucks the infected blood from a diseased dog and then injects the infected blood in your healthy dog. Once the larvae enter the body of your dog, they enter the blood vessels and reach to the heart’s right side with the help of blood movement. These worms anchor themselves in the heart and start growing and multiplying.

The treatment of this disease entirely depends on the present stage of your dog. Preventive medication of heartworm disease is widely available. It is a little expensive but as a responsible dog owner you must give it to your dog as per the veterinarian’s recommendation. Usually the dose is increased during the mosquito season. It is always better not to miss regular checkups in order to keep your dog safe and healthy.

Linus Orakles

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