Friday, August 14, 2009

Good Health- A Dire Necessity

A person has to be in good physical, mental, emotional and psychological health, in order to lead a perfect life. According to World Health Organization health has been defined as a state of absolute physical, mental as well as social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. According to the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, health is a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living.

Good health can be achieved through a combination of physical, mental, emotional and social well being. Many people are healthy by birth. If they are born to healthy parents, then they also are normally healthy. Others achieve it by keeping the body and mind fit through exercises and good practices. Proper diet and nutrition play a major role in keeping people healthy.

Remaining healthy is an ongoing process and you have to work to keep your body healthy. Lack of tension, a regular well maintained exercise and food regime helps people in remaining healthy and active. There are methods to relieve stress and maintain good health. Positive thinking, meditation, proper breathing exercises, walking and other such activities help a person to keep good health.

Good health care is the prevention, treatment and management of illness. Since health is such an important part of your life, most states and offices have health care facilities. Workplace wellness programs are increasing and this helps in increasing the morale, loyalty and productivity of the employees.

Workplaces may be equipped with gyms for regular fitness, fitness centers to check on the fitness and health levels, health presentations where good information is given through presentations, access to health facilities, help on nutrition, weight and stress management and other such things.

Earlier good health and physical fitness were synonymous and it was defined as the capacity to work without getting fatigued or tired. The definition has somewhat changed and good health and fitness is something one works for. Being healthy means being physically fit. This also means that the body has to function efficiently and effectively in work and leisure to be called healthy.

There are quite a few factors, which determine how healthy a person is. Good health may depend upon biology and genetic endowment, gender and culture. It may also depend on the income and social status, the physical and social environments, health practices, working conditions and education. Though women are considered the weaker sex, studies show that women are healthier and can cope with many things than men.

Education reveals what food should be taken, which type of food is healthier than the others, and how much of each type of food one should take to be healthy. Environment also plays a vital role in the health of people. If they are living in unhygienic conditions, it goes without saying that they are exposed to bad health conditions.

If you come in contact with a person having a communicable disease, then the chances of you acquiring the disease are high. Culture and food habits also are great influencers of good health. People living in the mountains are considered robust and healthier than city dwellers that do not get enough exercise.

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